Fetish (no, not that kind)



noun \ˈfe-tish also ˈfē-\

: a strong and unusual need or desire for something

: a need or desire for an object, body part, or activity for sexual excitement

: an object that is believed to have magical powers

I was talking to my friend and she mentioned that many of my mandalas and ideas for future works are somehow based in fetishes.    Yes, it's true.  I agree.   Part of the process for me as an artist involves a lot of thinking and considering the WHY behind the work.   Sometimes  it can get in the way of the actual making--  often the work has a mind of it's own and you can only see it's meaning after it's complete.

In regards to fetish (which is often erroneously used in only a sexual sense), the definition sheds some light on the work for me.  A "strong and unusual need or desire for something"-  yes.  This is part of the paradox for me in using man-made objects in my work.  For me, the mandalas are about bringing a spiritual aspect to consumerism, acquisition, and the constant state of wanting--more, more, more.  I've been fascinated with "stuff" for years.  How we covet it, how much we want, why we want it, and how much we produce!  I have a love/hate relationship with things- many times in my life I've moved (I think around 25 times) and have either had to pack everything up, or sell it, or some combo.  Once I actually reduced all of my belongings to 6 boxes.  How freeing!  But then, I accumulate again! At the same time, I love design and beautiful objects and see their wonderful purposefulness in our lives.  Fetish, though, may be a bit different, I suppose.  It's a strong and unusual need or desire for something.  How strong, I guess, is the question. I still think it relates somehow.

The other part of this definition I relate to my work  is "an object that is believed to have magical powers".  As a little girl, I had a collection of rag dolls that were completely REAL.  I'm sure many girls did this, but I kept up this belief for a bit longer than many of my friends. I called them my "kids".  They each had specific personalities and I took my little rag doll family very seriously.  In fact, I still have Selina and Joy up in Nolan's closet, despite their torn limbs and tattered faces.  They still have magical powers up there, I know it!   When I took my first photography class in college, I photographed a lot of objects and my professor made the comment that I portrayed these objects as if they had life. I still give meaning to some special things around my house- I mean, everything has an energy of some sort.  Everything is connected an everything matters, to some extent.  Doesn't it?

Why am I blogging about this stuff?  Because, why not?  It's part of the process.  And I want to share it.

Tell me about your relationship to material objects.  Do you covet or abhor?  Or both? Does anything you own have magical powers?


Kids Make Mandalas


Found Object Mandalas