Moving Mountains



Yesterday I went to a Mom's group. It was the first meeting of this group and after everyone did their intros, we watched a little video. It was a video about being a mom of a little one, being okay with your sink full of dirty dishes, making new friends, and most importantly about being known. I certainly have struggled with this in the past and still sometimes do. I was always the "different" one- the new kid, the one with the weird mom who made us eat green spaghetti, the artist, the outsider.  After many years of personal training and development,  I am pretty familiar with this archetype. And I realize everyone has his or her own version of this. But being known- allowing yourself to be human, be vulnerable, and to be open, always speaks to me. How can I be MORE authentic? How can I be fully myself and express this in my life, my art?  So, I shared. I shared in this little group about how so many of us don't ask each other for help because we can just 'google' the answer, and about being the one in the group who always has a different opinion than the others, and how sometimes that person is me. Really, I wanted to talk some more about being known, and how important this is in our everyday lives. I realized I have been afraid of doing this in the virtual realm for fear of being misunderstood or judged. But, I have a need - as we all do, to be known. And it may be a little scary to step out, but I'm going to consciously do it more and more.  Often the mountains are only in our minds, easily moved.


30 Days of Gratitude in One Day


Abstract Landscape Water Painting Documentation